Friday, August 19, 2011

SUPPLY LIST 2011-2012

You may bring supplies to Open House or the first day of school.

Below is the fifth grade supply list:
·      A backpack to transport items to and from school daily (w/o wheels)
·      A pencil bag – no boxes, please.
·      1 folder for bringing items to and from school daily
·      2 Post-it pads
·      Colored pencils! (We use these most often!)
·      Markers (box of 8 is fine-your choice)
·      A Highlighter
·      4 dry erase markers- I have white boards we use frequently for work
·      Pencil Top Erasers (Optional-but if you lose them often it may be wise)
·      Hand Sanitizer (Optional- your own or a small one for whole class)
·      1 box of Tissues (Optional, but helpful)
·      Personal pencil sharpener (Optional)

Please do not bring the following:
       *Trapper keeper                  * Compass                  *Toys of any Kind!!

* I will provide a binder, white board, folders, notebooks, planners, scissors,                            pens, etc.
* If you want to bring your own pens, this is fine, but please no red or black ink.
* I allow mechanical pencils, provided they are not a distraction to the user. You’ll          need to supply your own lead!

Enjoy the rest of your summer!         

Mrs. Blowers