Monday, May 26, 2014

Thursday, May 29th........4th/5th Grade Music

Friday, May 30th................ Classroom Auction

Monday, June 2nd....Dunes Field Trip    
Tuesday, June 3rd ... Dunes Rain Date
Friday, June 6th............... Last Day of School- Dismissal is 11:45

The 4th/5th Grade Music Program is at 2:45 at Haven Reformed Church if you would like to come!

* FORMIDDABLE FEET- Congratulations kids!
Kyle Theodore was a trophy winner in the juggling competition!
Marinus Reister won a medal and Tristen Taubert won a trophy in Accuracy! 

*LAST BLAST- Friday, June 6th 8:45-11:00
PTO and parent WISH volunteers will be coordinating this event. Unlike past years, this will not be open to spectators.

 Traditionally our 5th grade students have walked through a tunnel formed by K-4th graders to celebrate their years in elementary school and their move on to the middle school. This year 4th grade will join them. Parents, etc may begin lining up for "The Tunnel" at 11:20
If you are driving your child home,  please wait for buses to leave before going to your car for all students' safety.

- This is a very busy day, we won't be in the classrooms very much, and I may not get a late message.

   If you checked that you would like to donate items and/or volunteer for this day, soon you will be receiving an email and/or note about what item we will need you to donate (pop, cookies, chips, etc.) and what we will need you to volunteer to help with for the afternoon. Parents who are joining us for the day will be needed to run games or travel around with groups of students in rotations, and assist in serving lunch.
We will need people to help set up games in the morning and clean up- the more we have the quicker this will go. We appreciate your assistance with this. We truly can't make this happen without you!!
   We begin at the Saugatuk Dunes Rides. The hike follows and is about 3/4 of a mile into the beach. It is hilly and a little steep in spots.
You will be given directions to get there, but we start out by the parking lot near the Felt Mansion.

 We will review all concepts Tuesday and Wednesday by working on another Test Review. 
The Measurement Unit Test will be Thursday- some may need to finish on Friday.
READING -     
Last week students chose to work individually or in pairs to choose a nonfiction article and read it. They then had to give the main idea and details, a summary, and other such information. This week students will be reporting out to the class about their topic. We will work on other nonfiction material this week as well.

This week students will be presenting their Pourqouis - legends that tell why something came to be. 

SCIENCE:   Everyone should be wrapping up
their Project-based Learning activity that focuses on the behavioral and physical adaptation. They will be presenting these to the class on Tuesday. I look forward to seeing these- many creative ideas. We will also work on the study guide and be studying this over the week. The Science Systems Unit Test is Wednesday June 4th.
  Students took the lesson 32 test on Friday and it will come home on Monday. List 32 will go home Monday.  This was the LAST SPELLING TEST!

Friday, May 16, 2014


May 30th..... Classroom Auction

*June 2nd- Dunes Field Trip  
*RAIN DATE:  June 3rd 

  It was a little chilly, but I'm SO glad we were able to have this event for the kids. It was great to see them enjoying time with each other, their teachers, their families, and competing. Pictures are on the blog. I could have done a better job with this!If you have any pictures you'd like me to add, just send them my way!

Items due Tuesday May 27th.
 I usually don't have this until the end of the last week of school, but we have a student who will be gone, and I don't want anyone to miss out on this. I have been purchasing things this weekend to prepare. If you would like to donate things such as $5 and under gift cards for ice cream etc., boxes of candy, inexpensive things for the beach or pool or outdoor summer fun, or any inexpensive items that your own kids like, please send those in a sealed paper bag so it's a surprise by Tuesday May 27th. I need some time to put items together with ribbons etc.

   If you checked that you would like to donate items and/or volunteer for this day, soon you will be receiving an email and/or note about what item we will need you to donate (pop, cookies, chips, etc.) and what we will need you to volunteer to help with for the afternoon. Parents who are joining us for the day will be needed to run games or travel around with groups of students in rotations, and assist in serving lunch. We will need people to help set up games in the morning and clean up- the more we have the quicker this will go. We appreciate your assistance with this. We truly can't make this happen without you!!

   We begin at the Saugatuk Dunes Rides. The hike follows and is about 3/4 of a mile into the beach. It is hilly and a little steep in spots.
You will be given directions to get there, but we start out by the parking lot near the Felt Mansion.

No Homework this weekend! The kids were so sad!  :)

    We have continued to review compound volume and customary and metric units of length, capacity, and weight. We added in line plots this week as well.
We will spend time reviewing this week and the test will be the following week. 
We took the Delta math test this week. Your child took home a paper showing what he/she did and did not pass. I am very proud of everyone for their very hard work and all the gains they have made!

READING -      Students took the SRI test, the Dibels test, and the Fountas and Pinnell reading assessment this past week. This information will be shared with you. I will send it in report cards. Since report cards do not come to you until the week after school is out, please know that you are welcome to contact me even after school is out to discuss your child's progress!
We are wrapping up drafts of Pourqouis - legends that tell why something came to be- editing, revising, and beginning final drafts long necks? Students are in the planning process now and will begin drafting on Monday. We also read an article about whether plastic bags should be banned or not. Each student took a side and used information from the text to support his/her opinion.

SCIENCE:   Everyone is
working on their Project-based Learning activity that focuses on the behavioral and physical adaptation - but include other standards-which is the largest focus in this unit. They will work in pairs or individually (their choice) to create a new animal and include its classification, physical and behavioral characteristics, habitat, a learned behavior and inherited trait. They will be doing some simulations on the computer for review and ideas and will have resources to use.
Quizzes looked great! - I am having them keep them at school to use for studying for the test. We will discuss fossils and paleontology this week.

  Students took the lesson 31 skills test on Friday. Monday will be the Word test. and it will come home on Monday. List 32 will go home Monday.  You can also find lists under the spelling tab. The skill is adding suffixes. This will be the LAST SPELLING TEST!

If your child wants to play games/do practice tests, go to: Spelling City 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Week of May 9-12

*May 16th- Track and Field Day- 
*June 2nd- Dunes Field Trip  

*RAIN DATE:  June 3rd 

Thank you for joining us for the Poetry Brunch and for donating items for the brunch! We enjoyed sharing the poems!

A disappointing day on Friday with all the rain! I tried to make it a little less painful by playing a couple games and letting them move their desks wherever they wanted-and that worked out great because they came up with a nice room arrangement in 10 min!

* LUNCH: Students are already signed up for hot or cold lunch- check with your child about their decision on this.
    Parents: If you come that day, you will not be able to eat lunch with your child in the cafeteria at the middle school. Sorry! There is barely enough room for all 8 classes and teachers. You would have time to run home or eat in the bleachers, etc.

* SCHEDULE: There isn't a way for me to know exactly when your child will be in an event. Here is a rundown of the schedule. All students in my class have signed up for field and running events.

  9:30 - 12:30 - Mile Run and 400. Field Events begin for an hour  
                              and continue through morning preliminaries of
                              dashes (50, 60, 75 yd.), 100 low hurdles, and
                              800 meter relay.
  *12:30ish - LUNCH
  *1:15ish - 2:30 - Finals of the dashes, hurdles and 400 meter classroom  
                 - Ribbon presentations
                 - Trophy presentation
 *Dismissal. Please ask students to stay in bleachers until dismissed.


PLEASE consider checking the donation section of the note. It would be things like pop, 2 bags of chips, cookies, etc.
- Also remember that if you are there for the afternoon events, the committee will need you to help out with lunch, games, clean-up. Thank you!

A note came home about this last week. This is a favorite field trip and a great way to finish off the elementary years and still focus on some curriculum as this ties into our systems science unit. We will need your assistance to make sure this field trip can happen!! Please read the note carefully. There are 4 items to return by May 16th in order for your child to attend this trip.

An FYI: If an adult wants to accompany us on the Dunes ride in the morning, we can only have parents. We really need to stay with 1 parent per household. There are only so many seats available for the entire group.
You will receive more detailed information about this trip later.

Math Homework is due Monday- some students may have other work that needs to be finished over the weekend and are responsible for this.

There are video tutorials and a practice activity for volume in the math tab!
    We have continued to review volume particularly compound volume. We are have been working on customary and metric units of length, capacity, mass, and weight. We will continue to review and will add in line plots this week. We have been working quite a lot on word problems. Last week we took the Delta math test. If your child still has concepts that were not passed, I will let you know this week.

Click on the "Reading" tab for practice comprehension passages
Non-fiction material mostly associated with our science unit and students' read to Self books are what we will focus on in reading for the remainder of the year, working on individual goals and practicing strategies. This week your child will be taking the SRI test, the Dibels test, and the Fountas and Pinnell reading assessment.
We had a lesson about Pourqouis which are legends that tell why something came to be. For example, why do zebras have stripes? Why do giraffes have long necks? Students are in the planning process now and will begin drafting on Monday. We will also be writing an opinion piece this week.

This week students are beginning a short Project-based Learning activity that focuses on the behavioral and physical adaptation - but include other standards-which is the largest focus in this unit. They will work in pairs or individually (their choice) to create a new animal and include its classification, physical and behavioral characteristics, habitat, a learned behavior and inherited trait. They will be doing some simulations on the computer for review and ideas and will have resources to use. Wednesday there will be a quiz over the first 6 lessons.

  Students took the lesson 30 test on Friday and it will come home on Monday. List 31 will go home Monday.  You can also find lists under the spelling tab. The skill is
le, el, al, er, or, ar.
The proofreading part of the test is an important skill. If your child has been needing more practice with this, that is something that they have been working on in class.

If your child wants to play games/do practice tests, go to: Spelling City 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

What's Coming up the week of May 5th - May9th

May 6th:  POETRY BRUNCH @ 9:15
May 7th:  1/2 Day of School
May 9th- Track and Field Day - RAIN DATE: May 16th
June 2nd- Dunes Field Trip - RAIN DATE:  June 3rd 

POETRY BRUNCH: Thank you for filling out the RSVP that your child brought home on Monday. We need a list of what adults will be coming through the building for each class. You may be seated beginning at 9:05 and we will begin at 9:15.

Track and Field Day Info:
* LUNCH: Students are already signed up for hot or cold lunch- check with your child about their decision on this.
    Parents: If you come that day, you will not be able to eat lunch with your child in the cafeteria at the middle school. Sorry! There is barely enough room for all 8 classes and teachers. You would have time to run home or eat in the bleachers, etc.

* SCHEDULE: There isn't a way for me to know exactly when your child will be in an event. Here is a rundown of the schedule. All students in my class have signed up for field and running events.
  9:30 - 12:30 - Mile Run and 400. Field Events begin for an hour  
                              and continue through morning preliminaries of
                              dashes (50, 60, 75 yd.), 100 low hurdles, and
                              800 meter relay.
  *12:30ish - LUNCH
  *1:15ish - 2:30 - Finals of the dashes, hurdles and 400 meter classroom  
                 - Ribbon presentations
                 - Trophy presentation
 *Dismissal. Please ask students to stay in bleachers until dismissed.

A note came home about this last week. This is a favorite field trip and a great way to finish off the elementary years and still focus on some curriculum as this ties into our systems science unit. We will need your assistance to make sure this field trip can happen!! Please read the note carefully. There are 4 items to return by May 16th in order for your child to attend this trip.

An FYI: If an adult wants to accompany us on the Dunes ride in the morning, we can only have parents. We really need to stay with 1 parent per household. There are only so many seats available for the entire group. You will receive more detailed information about this trip later.

Reading Homework-
Homework this weekend is a an article that ties into out science unit-systems and some questions/chart to respond to. Some students completed this on Friday.

There are video tutorials and a practice activity for volume in the math tab!
    We have continued to review volume and have been working on customary and metric units of length. We will continue review and begin customary and metric units of weight, mass and capacity.  Review continues for the upcoming Delta Math test and students have their individual goals to focus on.

Click on the "Reading" tab for practice comprehension passages

  We completed The Fighting Ground last week. Next we will be focusing on non-fiction material mostly associated with our science unit.
  We will wrap up our poetry unit with the brunch on Tuesday. We will be working on summarizing and persuasive writing as well as writing Porquois in the next weeks.

We continue to discuss behavioral and physical adaptation as it relates to survival and learned about heredity last week as well. This topic will continue into next week.

  Students took the lesson 29 test on Friday and it will come home on Monday. List 30 will go home Monday.  You can also find lists under the spelling tab. The skill is synonyms and antonyms. The proofreading part of the test is an important skill. If your child has been needing more practice with this, that is something that they have been working on in class.

If your child wants to play games/do practice tests, go to: Spelling City