DUNE'S FIELD TRIP: I have pictures in the "photos" tab. Since my class was split up, I don't have any pictures of the girls. :( if you have photos for the blog, you can send them and I will put them on
POETRY CAFE': Thank you for joining us for this! The kids worked hard to memorize, use expression, and animations to present poems. Thanks to all those who donated items for the cafe'!
Photos are in the 'photos' tab.
Lockers: We will be cleaning out lockers Thursday and Friday. You may want to send along something for them to bring items home in.
Absence: If you know your child will miss school the last week, you should let me know as soon as possible. Tests will need to be completed before this or they will have to take a '1'.
IMPORTANT! Friday your child brought home a Manila envelope with information for next school year and orientation in September. Please put this in a safe place for that date.
1) Math workbook page 181.
We wrote this in planners, I showed it to kids and we talked about how to do it.
2) Study for Monday's science test. We have studied this week. Students assured me they had their study guides to take home- we looked at these together again on Friday.
We began one of 2 study guides for our measurement unit. The test will be Thursday June 4th.
We will complete The Fighting Ground on Monday and have more discussion and review. The assessment will be on Wednesday June 3rd.
We will finalize our poetry unit this week and students will present 1 or 2 of their poems.SCIENCE:
We have been reviewing the study guide. The test will be June 1st. Students are also working in groups to create their own animals including it's classification, habitat, behavioral and physical