Thursday, October 20, 2011


Please view the photos from last week's field trip below the newsletter!

On the note of field trips: Our 4th and 5th grade classes are planing a joint field trip in November. we will see a play, go to the Planetarium, and the Ford museum. We are very excited about this opportunity for your children! We are having a READ-A-THON Fundraiser in order to raise money for this. You will receive information about this at conferences.

On the note of conferences! I look forward to seeing you at conferences. You should have received a note about these conferences involving your child. You may bring your child and have him/her join us the entire time or part of the time.
  My schedule is full. I apologize in advance if I need to stop you in order to have the next conference. If you need more time, we can arrange that.

NO SCHOOL Oct. 27th and 28th.

MEAP testing has taken up much of our time this week. I really appreciate the hard work of your students! As a little reward, we learned how to play Yahtzee, discussing chance, probability, and strategy, and played a little both MEAP days.

Reading: We completed our Genre Unit novel, Guests. We also read Brother Eagle, Sister Sky, and discussed theme, and how it relates to history. We have been discussing historical fiction, pourquoi, and legend elements. We have also done vocabulary work, practiced comprehension strategies, and worked on simile and metaphor. We have reviewed and will take a short test on Monday.
  BOOK REPORT PROJECTS ARE DUE OCT. 31st. I went over directions again this week and took questions, gave more examples.

Math: We've been working on division (chapter 3). This week we practiced dividing by 10, 100, and 1,000 and long division with 1 divisor divided into a 3 and 4 digit dividend. We also practice these same concepts, but with decimals. We will complete this unit next week, review when we return from break, and then test.

Writing:  Most students have completed their River Tour pieces. They are due Monday. Some students were able to finish early enough to type them and asked me to make theirs into a flippable book. Those will be posted on my fusion site found on the district website. I should have them completed by Monday. They will be attached in the links section. Click on "Student work" and they will be under students' names.

Science: Students finished presenting their posters- I was quite impressed at the effort they gave to make these look like polished projects. They were graded on a rubric which will be sent home. We have 2 more lessons to finish, will review, and take the test the week we return.

Have a great weekend!!

The class had a lot of fun on the Outdoor Discovery Center last Thursday and learned information that applies to our social studies units. Here are some pictures!

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