THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! Thanks for all you did to raise money for our field trip next Tuesday!
Teachers and students all appreciate your efforts!
Please go to the site listed above and click on Student/Parents/Staff
then click on Parents (click here to register)
Enter the following:
1. Student ID Numbers AND Birthday (up to four kids)
(you can find your students ID number in the Powerschool by logging into Powerschool with your parent login info, click on the school Website link, the four digit code is listed in Red))
2. An email address or user name
3. First Name
4. Last Name
5. Phone Number (optional)
6. Password (you may set this to anything you’d like)
7. Verify the password
I you don't know your powerschool ID number, contact me.
Our field trip is Tuesday, November 15th!
Please wear comfortable shoes AND wear your Hawkeye PTO shirt!! (Grey) AND bring a disposable
sack lunch!! Be prepared for the weather as we will be walking between buildings.
MRS. BLOWERS WILL BE GONE November 17th and 18th as well as November 21-23.
I will have a minor foot surgery- Mrs. Immick and Mrs. Middleton will be here those days.
You may contact me at anytime through email or my home phone- except Nov. 17th.
EMAIL ALERTS: If you would like an email alert when I post something to my fusion page, please follow the directions below. Your child also brought the directions home and they are on the blog.
We have been working at dividing with 2-digit divisors. It can be difficult estimating how many multiples of a number will work. They have learned how to find and list the multiples using a calculator. They may use this method-the work still has to be shown just to be sure they know the steps- but they know they will not be able to rely on this for the test. We have not been using this method often so they have had a lot of practice without it. W also learned how to multiply decimals by multiples of ten.
We are reading Sign of the Beaver, our new genre unit chapter book. The theme is facing a challenge.
We have been working on vocabulary in context, context clues for comprehension, and finding descriptive detail.
We have been writing expository pieces this recently. We wrote a persuasive piece about an article we read about telling white lies. We are completing a summary of an article about penguins. We wrote a compare and contrast piece together comparing Tom Sawyer and Bart Simpson.
Our skill this week was the various spellings of the letter s in "sun" - soft 's' sound.
Tests have been returned.
We have been performing activities about motion, types of motion, what affects motion, and how to calculate speed.
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