TUESDAY, JAN. 31.....January Book Project is Due
TUESDAY JAN. 31..... AWIM begins - a project associated with our Forces and Motion unit and JCI
Everyone completed the Chapter 7 fraction test. We continue in Chapter 8 fraction operations unit reviewing adding and subtracting fractions with like and unlike denominators and adding mixed numbers. We have also learned to subtract mixed numbers including when regrouping is required. We'll continue to practice this skill. Students are drawing representations of math problems as well. We also work on skills on various computer sites.
RTI- students were retested 3 weeks ago and we have regrouped students accordingly. We will focus on those skills individuals show they need for 2 weeks, give a short "test" and regroup as needed.
We continue to work in small groups on their given novel, working on comprehension and reading skills specific to the group.
Newspaper articles. Most students are finished with their drafts, revising, and editing of their articles. Some students have already typed their article into the template. When all are completed next week we'll post it to my fusion site as a link under "student work". Students have had to learn to write using the tone of a newspaper reporter and not as a fiction writer or TV news reporter which has been a little challenging, but fun!
Our skill this week has been blends such as str, bl, etc.. As always your child can study the weeks spelling list on the Spelling City site - next week's lesson is 17. I sent home this week's list with any student who chose to take it. I will send a list home each week and also put it on my blog.
Flight was our topic this week. We discussed how lift, weight, thrust, and drag affect flight. Students designed paper airplanes and tested them in the gym, wrote observations and then made adjustments to their designs to test again.
Spelling List 17
1. there's
2. difference
3. early
4. past
5. children
6. north
7. often
8. always
9. instead
10. until
11. late
12. their
13. learned
14. perhaps
15. famous
16. important
17. history
18. correct
19. language
20. carefully
21. seven
22. pay
23. they're
24. reasons
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