Friday, February 8, 2013



THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14th.....Field Trip
FRIDAY FEBRUARY 15TH...........No School
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22................Popcorn Day
FRIDAY, MARCH 1........................No School- Records Day
FRIDAY, MARCH 8........................Half day of school- Dismissal is at 11:40-no lunch

Thanks to our students for participating in the Purple Day event in order to support a former student!


FEBRUARY BOOK PROJECT: Student need to have their books read by Feb. 20th and will begin the project in class. The project is making an iMovie trailer to persuade others to read their book.

Math: We continue to work in our fraction unit. New concepts were adding and subtracting mixed numbers and multiplying fractions.
Students are noticing that knowing math facts is increasingly helpful in the fractions units!

READING: We continue our Book Club, using Edmodo. It's nice that even when I am not meeting with a group, I will be able to monitor students' thinking and respond to them before we meet if necessary.


Students chose a historical figure to read about and will then write a biography about that person. They will be able to use another technological platform to present the biography as well. They read a took notes this week and will begin their plan on Monday.

SCIENCE:  We discussed balanced and unbalanced forces this week and did a little arm wrestling as demonstration. We applied the concept of balanced and unbalanced forces in a Tug-of-war

  We have been practicing vocabulary and concepts by reading the definition, summarizing what it means, and showing an verbally and physically giving an example. We have been talking about how memorizing a definition isn't helpful if we don't know what it means! There will be a quiz, but with snow days and me being gone next week, I am moving it to Monday, February 11.

Spelling: Lesson 18 list will be sent home on Monday.

Have a great weekend!
Laura Blowers 

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