About the Week of April 20th and looking ahead...
We had our Ice Cream Sundae Party Friday -Congratulations Penny War Winners!
* Dunes Trip Waivers need to be turned in before the field trip.
* Our school is completely out of pencils so please send them with your child.
1) Math: ALL: Page Lesson 7-5 both sides AND Pg 140 in the workbook- ONLY that side.
SOME: Keep working in your RTI math Packet and turn in on Monday.
SOME: Practice their fluency passage and ready to test on Thursday.
We did some review work for order of operations and finding a rule and took a quiz on Friday to see how we're doing.We added in coordinate graphing and some problem solving work. We will continue with this until next week and take the test the week of May 4th. We will also take the 5th grade Delta Math Test that week.
Students will wrap up their note-taking on Monday and begin writing their Biography drafts. We have discussed note-taking strategies such as not writing word-for-word from the book in order to be able to write our own sentences, not writing down things we don't understand, but asking about the information and using vocabulary we understand, and writing down the source for each note so we can refer to it later if needed. I have been doing a mini-lesson post work time using student work most days as this is helpful in showing students expectations and answering questions. Drafts are due Wednesday, Thursday at the latest. Some students may need to bring it home for homework. Students have a page with all the standards. There are several presentation, research, and writing standards for this piece. Science:
We have been discussing animal and plant classification and basic survival needs as well as observing and caring for our animals. We will begin investigation adaptations this week.
Spelling Students took Spelling Test 26 on Friday.This week's skill is homophones.