2/10 Parent/Teacher Conference
2/12-2/15 - Winter Break for Students
2/24 - 5th Grade field trip to Symphony
Email: lblowers@hamiltonschools.us lcuster@hamiltonschools.us
MATH: Lesson 10
READING: Read your February book and work on the project.
MATH - Mrs. Custer
It was another big week of
multiplication in math! We reviewed area model and partial products as
two more strategies we can use when multiplying. Weekend homework is
Lesson 10 (bases and exponents) and reviewing any standards that they are
trying again on the second multiply and divide fractions test next
Thursday. The next math fact tests are February 26.
Students chose a fruit or vegetable to do a
little research on. They are working on a persuasive plan and draft for their speech persuading others to elect them as fruit/veggie of the year. They will
present their speeches, slogans, and campaign posters. We have looked at the standards and proficiency scales for this piece and students will receive presentation, writing to persuade, and conventions grades.
READING: with Mrs. Blowers
Social Studies with Mrs. Custer
Lesson 17 skill is making plural words. The spelling list is in the spelling tab.
READING: with Mrs. Blowers
As promised, we are working on plays right now. Students chose 1 of 3 plays, read the play and responded to some comprehension questions. This week they will practice and perform plays. We have discussed how fluency and intonation matter to the audiences understanding just as it helps us comprehend in reading.
Social Studies with Mrs. Custer
spent our short week identifying the location and names of the original 13
colonies before we broke into groups to begin reading about each of the 3
regions (New England, Mid-Atlantic and Southern).
Science with Mrs. Blowers
Our test over moon phases, the eclipses, and tides. These will come home Wednesday after others make up the test.
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