Tuesday, May 7......Moments with MomWednesday, May 8.. 1/2 day dismissal
Friday May 10......Track and Field Day
Tuesday May 14......Field Trip to Request Foods (no parents needed)
Friday May 31........Dunes Field Trip (info in May- volunteers to help needed & all parents welcome)
A note about track and field day went home the previous week.. Students also received their shirts. It may be a good idea that they don't wear them so nothing happens to them or they aren't lost. They won't be replaced.
LUNCH: I have already asked students about whether they will eat hot lunch or bring their own.
SNACKS: BRING snacks and a lot of drinks-no pop. No gum, please. Limit candy and high-salt foods.
POETRY BRUNCH: The students have been working in infotech to retrieve their photos and video of poetry from Dropbox and put this into a slideshow. I would expect that this is finished and on their web pages by the end of this week.
Math: We have worked with volume of rectangular prisms and composite figures. Next week we will review this and also move onto customary and metric conversions of weight, capacity, and length.
Students chose books for Book Clubs and are working in groups of 2-4. They have assignments which review strategies that we have practiced this year. They are able to choose activities they would like to choose for any section of their books.I am looking over assignments for quality completion and comprehension. I will also float around to each group and read/discuss books with groups.
There will be homework at times for students who need to complete reading sections and/or assignments just as there will be in middles school.
Drafting of articles has begun and with the shorter week, I am hoping we can get at least a draft and headlines done by Friday and begin to edit/revise. Students will be typing these into a newspaper format that will be made into a digital flippable newspaper. Students have interviewed high school students about sports, parents, 3rd graders and teachers about the move to middle school, and many other real topics.
The hermit crabs are in the classroom! We thought one was dead, but he was just practicing being a hermit. We will observe them discussing observation techniques, behavioral/physical characteristics, physical traits, and heredity.
Spelling: Lesson 27 test will be on Thursday because of track and field day. List s can be found on Spelling city- trying to conserve paper- if kids want a paper copy, I will give them one!
School house. |
Seth and Jacob writing on slates with a slate pencil. |
Austin and Brendin look away so mom doesn't know they are able to wash the dishes! Evidence! |
Jacob and Seth writing on slates with a slate pencil. |
The home we toured and kids made soup. |
Diligent students! |
Ryan demonstrating a punishment that was used in schools. |
Brendan demonstrating a typical punishment. |
Isaac churns butter- it was great! |
Cooking! |
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