Saturday, May 25, 2013

Week of May 20th - 24th


Monday May 27.......Memorial Day NO SCHOOL
Friday May 31........Dunes Field Trip-Rain Date June 3rd

Thank you for getting forms returned promptly! This has really helped our committee.
We will send a note home next week as a reminder and with information to keep your child comfortable during the day- (sunscreen, etc) 

Thank you to those of you who have brought things in already. These can be donations from businesses, candy, summer items, drinks, notepads, etc. etc. I will be purchasing items next weekend once I see where we are at with donations.

End of the year meetings with me:
If you would like to talk one last time about your child's growth, needs, next year, etc. please feel free to email me and we can set a time up for that- this can be before or after school is out for summer break.
TESTING: I will include your child's testing results for SRI, Dibels, and Delta math in the report card.

Math: We
have been reviewing for the test. Students may choose to take it either Tuesday or Wednesday. We are reviewing past concepts and will continue to do so throughout the remainder of the year. I will be sending home a list of websites for students to use as review for the summer if you choose.

Students completed their book club book, assignments and an essay assessment. We had a discussion as a group and it's always fun and interesting each time we meet to hear the various thoughts and ideas students have about their novels.

Most students have completed both articles for their newspapers. They have been writing these into a newspaper template in google docs. I am able to chat with them about their paper within google docs and I type comments in for them to view and use to fix-up their drafts. I have graded all first articles and will complete any 2nd artcles that were sent to me this weekend.
  I am downloading all articles and rubrics into a file for your child and will send it to parents- it takes some time so it will be coming next week.

  The kids love this project and are always asking to do writing!

We completed the quiz on Thursday- coming home on Monday. Right now students are in groups of 3 and researching the body system of their choice and completing a presentation of their choice. We will present next week as well as review and complete a study guide for the test. The test will be Monday June 3rd.

Test- taking:  We have discussed test-taking skills quite a lot this year. It is important for students to know that if they miss something on the study guide, marking my correct answer isn't going to help them on the test if they don't understand why it is incorrect and ask questions. I ask them why and how questions often.
Lesson 29 is out last spelling test. We will be working in spelling skills but will not have anymore tests.

Have a terrific holiday weekend!!

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