Monday May 13......Volunteer Recognition Banquet-High School 6:30 Tuesday May 14......Field Trip to Request Foods (no parents needed)
Monday May 27.......Memorial Day NO SCHOOL
Friday May 31........Dunes Field Trip (info in May- volunteers to help needed & all parents welcome)
A purple note was sent home last week about the Dunes trip. This is a fun event that requires a lot of work on our committees part. In order for them to continue planning and know what they need to get, we really need the notes back with what parents plan to donate and who will be helping us at Shultz Park.
It got a little cool as the day went on, but better than rain!!
The 5th graders had a great time and were positive participants. I had 2 cameras and neither worked! But my iPhone did a pretty good job. Below the information about our week, I have quite a lot of pictures for you to view. If you have pictures you want to send, I will add them!
This was an interesting field trip for 5th grade. They were able to tour the plant and see the process of food production before it gets to their table. We discussed how it all begins at the farm and then onto a processor of raw foods who then distributes to a company like Request Foods who packages it as a variety of foods such as lasagne, and then it goes to the grocer and to us! The were gracious in providing lunch for all of us and really cool pens and flashlights! :)
Math: We completed introducing all new concepts and began reviewing all of our measurement conversions as well as volume. This week we will continue this but focus on problem-solving within the review. The test will be Tuesday, May 28th. Several students have been begun working in a pre-algebra unit.
Students completed the Delta Math Test on Thursday. This tests concepts students should exit 4th grade knowing and we have practiced weekly throughout the year. These concepts are also included in our 5th grade curriculum. I will go over their scores on Monday with them. If there is a concept a student did not pass, I will contact you next week and send materials or sites home for more practice.
We took the SRI Test on Wednesday. These scores will be included in your report envelope.
Students continue working in their groups for Book Club. They have assignments which review strategies that we have practiced
this year. They are able to choose activities they would like to choose
for any section of their books.I am looking over assignments for quality
completion and comprehension. I have been meeting with groups and reviewing their tasks with them.
Students have finished their first interview articles for our newspaper. Each student interviewed someone and wrote it up. Many have moved to their 2nd article which is to be made up if they choose, but must sound like it's real and the tone of an article. They are writing a few alliterative headlines and choosing the best fit as well as finding a graphic that works with their piece.I will email your child's articles to you once they are all complete.
We continue to learn about systems and will have a quiz on Thursday. We have been reviewing the first 6 lessons as we have gone on into the unit. Late next week we will be discussing human body systems and working on projects for this.
Right now I plan to give the science test on May 30th but will move it to June 3rd if I feel it is necessary.
Spelling: Lesson 29 test will be on Friday. Lists can be found on Spelling City- trying to conserve paper- if kids want a paper copy, I will give them one!
-Go to: http://spellingcity.com
-Click on
"find a list".
-In the
"search" section, click on "teacher" and then type in
-Click on
Robin Maxson at Hamilton Elementary.
Find lesson 29.
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