Thursday, September 30, 2010


The MEAP schedule is as follows:
Reading Day 1: October 12
Reading Day 2: October 13
Writing Day 1:  October 14
Math:                October 19
Science:            October 20

 Please be sure your child has a good breakfast each day!

Blue Sky Project

Today was our exciting Blue Sky Project event! Students watched The Lorax which is about taking care of our environment. We then divided classes up into 4 groups and began digging, planting, and watering.
It was so nice to have a great learning experience outside of the classroom. I think all students enjoyed this special event. It will be nice for them to see a beautiful reminder of their 5th grade year as they watch the bushes and trees grow each year.
  Thanks Joel Jennings for starting this project up and to all the JCI volunteers who assisted and brought pizza and water!  Thanks also to Paul Wolfram for volunteering time to prepare some of the ground for us; to Jim DeWitt for donating some of the large landscaping rocks; to Ponderosa for helping choose just the right plants. We appreciate it!

I should have photos of our day posted here soon!

Wish I could attach all of the photos! The students were so wonderfully helpful and listened well to all directions! I'm so proud of them and all the beautiful work they did! You MUST come see all the new plantings. It was pretty exciting to use all of the power tools and hole diggers, etc.

Field Trip: Outdoor Discovery Center!

Wednesday, October 13th, 5th grade classes will be going to the Outdoor Discovery Center. We will be learning about Native American cultures and history which is a large part of our social studies curriculum this fall. Students always enjoy this field trip.  A separate note for this trip will come home the next week.
You DO NOT need to pay yet.

   * The cost for each student is $5.  > If this is an issue, please let me know!
   * Students should bring a completely disposable sack lunch
   * PLEASE dress in layers! DO have a jacket or sweatshirt. We will be outside all day.
   * Wear comfortable shoes.