Saturday, April 21, 2018

Week of

MSTEP: We only have the Social Studies MSTEP left this week on Tuesday.
Homework:  "Homework 8-1 and 8-2" the evens and #12 on both.

  We have been learning metric units of measure. This coming week we will change to customary units.
If you go to the math tab there are many videos and online practice things to do. It can be very helpful!

  Students wrote captions last week. I created a digital flipbook out of these that I will share to you. I need to fix a couple mistakes up first.
Right now we are in the process of writing poetry. We will have a poetry brunch on May 4th which you are all invited to!

  We have read some nonfiction articles about the Revolutionary War which is what they are studying in Social Studies. We just began our genre unit with the theme of "Making Choices" Our novel we began last week is "The Fighting Ground" which details the experience of a 13 year old boy who wants to go to war and his experience over a 24 hour period.

After spring break we did a STEM activity where students were given materials and worked in groups to create a strong bag. They designed, tested, redesigned, and tested again. They decided that a good handle is just as important as having the bottom of the bag be strong!