Thursday, June 7, 2012

Last post of 2011/2012 school year!

 Dear Parents and Students,

         Thank you for a great year! I have really enjoyed all of the personalities in our classroom. We have had a lot of fun this year. I truly appreciate all of the assistance and support parents have given to us this year in 5th grade. Thank you parents and students for all the very kind emails, cards, and comments that you have been so generous with over this past year.
          5th graders, I know you will enjoy your 6th grade year.
You have some wonderful teachers and great adventures coming up for you! I will miss you, but I know I’ll be seeing you around!

Happy Summer!
Mrs. Blowers

DUNES TRIP: A big thank you to our 3 parent organizers for this event: Katie Wettlauffer, Diana Smit, and Amy Osborn. This was a big job and we appreciate their efforts and the great day! Thanks to all of the parents who joined us on this trip! 

Several parents had the task of taking pictures throughout the day. These were then put on a CD for EVERY 5th grader! In addition, some of our parents were able to get a gift card from area restaurants for EVERY 5th grader! Your child has a small manila envelope that contains both of these items - so be careful when going through the backpacks!



Friday, June 1, 2012


DUNES TRIP: Monday, June 4th

HAT DAY: Students may wear hats on Tuesday- just bring a dollar! Donations will go towards Mrs.   Zweering, her husband, and little baby Charlie who are all staying at the hospital in Ann Arbor awaiting Charlie's surgery.


DUNES TRIP: A reminder note has been sent home and is below as well.

Our parent committee has been working hard on this trip and we really appreciate their work in writing notes, organizing the event, and gathering needed items!!
If you have not sent items for the trip, please do so on Monday. If you are able to help set up games- we only have 4 people doing this- please let me know, and I will pass it along to the committee.

Saugutuck Dunes and State Park Reminder
 Dear Parents and Fifth Graders,

This Friday, June 4, is our trip to the Saugatuck Dunes and State Park.   We will be leaving school around 8:50 a.m. and returning to school around 3:30 p.mAs stated previously, Students are required to return to school on the bus. Here are some other things that you need to remember:

*dress in layers--the morning could be cool and the afternoon could be warm

 *wear comfortable shoes- we’ll be walking in sand and on a trail as well as playing games. Flip flops are NOT a good idea!

 *wear and bring sunscreen!

 *lunch is provided 

 * You may bring a camera-no other electronic devices, please.

 *bring a positive attitude and your good manners-

  Parents should expect to be addressed respectfully and should redirect students when needed.

 *be prepared for rain- jacket, umbrella, etc. if it looks necessary.

Have a great weekend!