Saturday, June 4, 2016

Week of May 29-June 3

 June 8th - 5th Grade Field Trip to Saugutuk Dunes
June 9th - 5th/6th Grade Field Day in afternoon.
June 10th - Last Day of School  HALF DAY 10:45 dismissal.

Please check planners for math homework.

Reading:  Some students need to finish reading there  book club book.
MATH - Mrs. Custer

Our math fact graphs are being sent home today.   Great progress to everyone, but remember to practice this summer to keep it up!  Also look for the summer JRT booklet that is going home today.
​We will have a test next week over our final unit covering measurement and geometry.
We began a very short, but fun poetry unit focusing on grammar and creative language.
READING: with Mrs. Blowers
Books Clubs will finish Monday.We will have a little time for some nonfiction reading after this. 
Social Studies:

We have been learning about the beginning of our country and how the founding fathers worked out the details of our government.  We will have a quiz next week. 
Science:  We continue to learn and review about physical and behavioral adaptations of plants and animals as well as about learned vs instinctive behaviors. We have also been discussing the body systems. There is a short assessment over two standards on Tuesday. The students have had Study Stacks since Thursday and should study these. 
Spelling:   There is no spelling lesson this week.