Sunday, October 29, 2017

Middle School Website: This is the link for the middle school website.   
Math: Multiplication and division review page
              Lesson 2-5                                                             
Read: Reading an average of 20 minutes daily is an ongoing homework assignment.

In our Place Value Unit we have learned about the value of digits in each whole number and decimal place as well as what this looks like using pictures- tenths are like dimes in a dollar, hundredths like pennies, etc. Students are practicing comparing and ordering decimals, writing decimals in three ways and adding and subtracting decimals.  We will begin rounding this week. There are video tutorials on the blog and students may want to watch how to write decimals in 3 ways.

WRITING: Students began writing a "Spooky Story" last Thursday. They are to show they know how to write a simile and use onomatopoeai's (sound words like, WHOOSH!) as well as use descriptive language.

 Students are reading 2 short articles in groups of 3 and practicing responding to text questions in a complete way by paraphrasing and/or quoting.  They will read the next article on their own and work on these comprehension strategies.

SCIENCE:   We have been learning about balanced and unbalanced forces and Newtons' 1st & 2nd Law of Motion. The activities for this are fun and help student experience these concepts. And I found a couple NFL videos that explain these concepts which many kids love and can relate to!
We have been working on prefix meanings and usage. Knowing the meanings of prefixes and suffixes can help students figure out words they don't know.
 SPELLING: Our spelling test tomorrow is over the homophones there, their, and they're.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Middle School Website: This is the link for the middle school website.   
Math: None                                                               
Read: Reading an average of 20 minutes daily is an ongoing homework assignment.
MATH:  Students took the Adding and Subtracting Fractions test on Friday. We will begin our Place Value unit on Monday.

WRITING: Thursday students chose from 4 articles in order to begin their own opinion writing piece. The last one we practice together. They read their article and chose the side of the argument that they would write about. They will complete plans on Monday.

We will finish reading Guests on Tuesday, There will be an assessment on the following Tuesday that we will be studying for.
We will then read non-fiction articles and work on reading comprehension strategies in this area.

 The test was Friday over motion and graphing. We will begin our unit on Balanced and Unbalanced Forces next.

We have been reviewing what nouns, pronouns, and verbs are. Next week we will do some more activities around those. We will also focus on prefixes and their meanings.
SPELLING: Next week's skill lesson is the various ways of spelling the /k/ sound.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Middle School Website: This is the link for the middle school website.   

Math: Complete Lesson 2-1  (ALL)                                                               Read: Reading an average of 20 minutes daily is an ongoing homework assignment.

MATH:  We have been practicing adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators as well as estimating to see if our answers are reasonable. We have been reviewing all concepts and working on word problems as well.
See the math tab for tutorials when needed.

WRITING: We continue to work on complete sentences and paragraphing as we write our Opinion Piece: "Should Fidget Spinners Be Banned?" We read an article giving both sides of the argument. Students chose a side and we worked through the structure of the plan which they are using to write their paper.

We are reading the novel, "Guests". It is a historical fiction book from the perspective of a Native American boy when the Pilgrims arrive for the first Thanksgiving. This ties in with our U.S. History unit.
We are studying/practicing theme, comprehension strategies, vocabulary in context strategies and character traits. We are also focusing on writing a summary and finding information in order to respond to text questions.

  We have done a couple of investigations using the movement of students. They are jogging, skipping jumping, etc down a ten meter path and recording their times. They graphed their results of the distance and time. We will continue to practice creating a graph and studying for the test which will be Friday next week.