Saturday, May 7, 2011

Week of May 2nd-6th

Fifth grade teachers are planning some special days for the month of May. Please put these on your calendar!

May 12:   Pink Day in honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
                   Everybody please wear something pink. Yep, even the boys!

May 17:   Laffy Taffy Tuesday: Everyone needs to have a joke that's appropriate 
                   to share with the class to practice those speaking skills! Of course, 
                   we'll eat Laffy Taffy!

May 27:   Wear your Red, White, and Blue!! (Memorial Day's coming)

- May 12 - Pink Day
- May 13 - Track and Field Day 
- May 17 - Laffy Taffy Tuesday
- May 27 - All Library Books Due, Wear Red, White, and Blue!
- May 30 - No School
- June 3 - Dunes Field Trip (rain date June 6)
- June 9 - Last Day of School!!!
We have been learning about area of squares, rectangles, triangles, and parallelograms. These concepts require students to follow a formula, something they will need to be able to do more and more in math in the middle and high school. We also began our lesson on converting units of time and have been reviewing converting units of length in customary and metric units. We will take the test on Thursday unless I feel that we need a little extra time and then it will be Monday.

Spelling tests are Monday. As always, students should study the word list on the Spelling City website.
The skills test focuses on synonyms.

We began Literature Circles this week. Students chose a book and are in a group with other students. They will be reading, discussing, and doing various activities involving their novel over the next 2 weeks. Students will sometimes need to finish a section of their book for homework if unable to do so in class. I monitor the amount of reading I give by checking in with group members on how they feel about the amount and by observing students to see that they are making use of their in -class time.

We read read some Pourqoui tales this week and discussed that these are fictional tales of why something is the way it is. For example, why do zebras have stripes or why is the ocean blue? These are also called "Why tales" as the word pourqoui is French for "why". Students began writing their own - I look forward to reading what they come up with!


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