Monday March 18....................... PTO Meeting
Monday, March 18.......................Puberty lessons begin.
Monday, March 18.......................Puberty lessons begin.
Wednesday, March 20...................Yellow Day- Wear
Friday, March 22........................PTO FUN NIGHT
Friday, May 3…………………………………………… Charlton Park field trip (note
Friday May 31st ……………………………………… Dunes field trip
(info in April)
Middle School Visit – Our 5th graders
enjoyed the visit to the middle school on Thursday. Sounds like dancing and
bounce house activities were
a hit and
they got to see where they will be next year.
Box Tops Winners! 5th
grade won the Box Tops challenge! Thank you for your assistance with this. We
will have a pizza party on March 27th
BEACH DAY! Celebrate Spring with Beach Day on
March 27th. More
about this later
Students have chosen to complete their reading bookmark each week instead of a
project I have. They should be reading a minimum of 20 minutes each time they
Math: We took the Fractions Operations test Friday. It is rather lengthy so I gave them a break after some time. We have already been working on our adding and subtracting decimals unit. Students will be expected to draw pictures to show the operation. (I will give them 100’s grids to shade in for this!) We will move onto multiplying and dividing decimals and then geometry. You can help your child by practicing subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimals at home!
READING: We continued our discussion of the Fighting Ground as well as the online digital "bulletin board" to teach each other further about this war. It will incorporate social studies, reading, and writing curriculum. This week students searched for articles on their topics at their level, wrote a short summary and will present these next week.
WRITING: We read an article about
how manners are on the decline in our country that looked at both sides of
whether this matters or not. Students chose a side to debate and are writing a
short persuasive piece that will be due Tuesday.
SCIENCE: Students took the quiz on Thursday. We studied magnetism as a non-contact force and completed an investigation. We also watched a video clip about the Maglev trains that don’t make contact with the track by using a magnetic force. We also learned about the 4 components of flight: lift, thrust, gravity, and drag. We made and tested paper airplanes. Monday students will compete with their designs for the farthest flight.
Spelling: Students completed Test 21. They will come home on Monday. The lists for Lesson 22 and 23 will come home on Monday.
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