Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 13

This a lengthy blog! This past week we have been getting into more of a routine and this week that will continue. Hope you are having a great weekend!

CONTACTING ME: My school phone is working now. My extension is 413. I am not always in the room to hear it. You can always call my cell - 231-357-3020. My email:

  It's an easy way to get reminders for tests etc.
ENTER THIS NUMBER: 424-835-7621  

                              Type in: @mrsblow

 * Homework this weekend is for those who need to complete a final draft of a paper we worked on. 

* READING an average of 20 minutes per day is also homework throughout the year. 

Book Project Homework: 
Your child will be reading a chapter book (they may read this at home and school). Monday they will receive the materials for the "Sandwich Book Report". This is to be done at home and due September 29th. The section on the "Author's Style" could be difficult and your child may choose to leave that part out since we haven't had a lot of time to discuss this at this point.

In a nutshell: If your child can't do the HW and a parent can't help (I've been there!) it needs to show an attempt and a note about it must come from a parent in order for the work not to be counted as late. I have talked with the class about this numerous times. I don't want families having stress at night and this is a way I hope helps while still showing responsibility. 
  My HW policy is in the packet that was sent the first day of school.

 SNACKS/DRINKS: PLEASE help your child remember a snack every day. They may bring a water bottle.

FUN FRIDAY: Mrs. Custer and I do a Fun Friday activity together each Friday for students who do not lose "4 points" during the week. You have this information in the packet I sent the first day.
We have discussed classroom rules and students understand that they will receive:
*  1 warning, (Most times I give 2 if it's talking since there are so many kids and humans 
        are social!)
* Seat time for the day-no working in hall, our office, couch, etc.
* Loss of 1 Friday fun point
* Email/call home
* Sent to the office

SIT AND SIP: Sit and Sip will be each Friday during Read Aloud. If you don't like your child having pop, kids bring juice pouches, flavored water, Gatorade, etc. No red drinks or energy drinks such as Monster, please.

Students automatically have Sit and Sip UNLESS there is a late HW assignment. The first 9 days I have been giving a grace period to help students remember to write EXACTLY what I write in the planner, to check their planners each night, place HW in the proper place, have 1 place to put their backpacks etc each night, etc.

Try the Math Tab! This has video tutorials for you and your child with lessons on what we are currently working on as well as concepts that students should know in order to make make the current unit easier to understand. I will continue to add to this.
   Last week we worked comparing fractions, equivalent fractions, Greatest Common Factor, adding/subtracting mixed numbers with LIKE denominators, and began adding and subtracting fractions with UNLIKE denominators. We have been drawing pictures to show what fractions mean. This week we will continue reviewing past concepts and continue with adding/subtracting fractions and mixed numbers with unlike denominators.

Students took the Delta 5th grade Delta math test last week (tests 4th grade math concepts) and this coming week they will take the 6th grade Delta as well (this tests 5th grade concepts).
  Students will be given a list of concepts not passed to put in their goal folders, and we will work on improving their understanding of these concepts.

  We have been using resources from the Comprehension Toolkit to learn/review/practice comprehension strategies using nonfiction text. We have been working whole class and in small groups. Students took the SRI and Dibels tests last week.

  We spent time discussing vocabulary concerning motion and learning about forces. Students worked on an investigation to see how they could set up barriers to make their marble go as slowly as possible from one end to the other. Groups needed to continually think about forces and variables involved and how they could redesign their barriers to improve upon previous plans.

SOCIAL STUDIES: Your child will frequently need to bring their social studies book home in order to complete HW. Mrs. Custer will tell them this when they do the planner in social studies. Then when my class does the planer with me, I have them review with me what Mrs. Custer had them write so they get another opportunity to hear and read it.

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